At The Wedge we understand how important it is for our residents to continue with exsisting interests and hobbies and even to try one or two new things as well.
We have an activity co-ordinator in the home five afternoons a week to help our residents with a complete range of entertainment and activities which can be carried out as a group or on a one to one basis. It is always up to our residents whether they want to get involved in the various activities, but we always try and make sure there is something that will appeal to everyone.
These are just some of the activities that we have run in the last year:
Quizzes |
Knitting |
Current affairs |
Reading |
Manicure |
Music & Movement |
Baking |
Shopping |
Gardening |
Reflexology |
Visiting shows |
Cheese and wine event |
Arts and Crafts |
Scrapbooking |
Barbecue |
Music for Health programme |
Indoor bowling |
Tai Chi |
We always seek our residents input as to the types of activities and entertainments that they are interested in and we develop a programme to meet their interests.
Scrapbooking is one of our activities that is carried out in small groups or on a one to one basis. It is a great way of preserving personal and family history in the form of a scrapbook and at the same time provides an opportunity to reminisce. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, artwork and stories which bring the events to life.
We encourage our residents to continue where possible with activities and hobbies that they have enjoyed. We want our residents to enjoy all the benefits of stimulation and developing friendships that entertainment and activities can provide.
More importantly we want them to enjoy themselves and have fun.
